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Wednesday, June 2, 2010
New Petroleum Prices
For 1st March, 2010 the government announced new petroleum prices; though this time the government made a sincere effort to show a reduce in pricing but failed miserably. It seems that government has only mastered the act of ridiculing masses and the nation vehemently. In a bid to reduce prices the government only found space of 64 paisa’s to reduce but when it comes to increasing prices the government miserably fails.
The recent reduction in petroleum prices is equivalent to making fun of the misery of this nation. On 31st January, 2010
(Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority)
increased the petroleum price to Rs 71.21. It shows the seriousness of government to provide relief to the masses who are burring in the fire of the inflation, terrorism, nepotism, corruption and shortage in basic life necessities.
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